GIOSBE Journal. Vol 4. (2):1-6; 2018.

Types of articles published in journals of osteopathy: a quantitative analysis from 2009 to 2013


Introduction. The purpose of this study was to quantify the types of research articles published in professional journals of Osteopathy with international circulation Methods. A quantitative analysis was carried out on articles selected from four journals over a period of five years, classified on the basis of the study design. The univariate (ANOVA) analysis was used to investigate the mean differences in terms of number of types of article within the different journals and over the years Results. A final number of 478 articles were included in the study. In particular, (no. = 17; 3.55%) were Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) and (no. = 5; 1.04%) were Controlled Clinical Trials. The articles published more frequently were classified as Clinical practice (no. = 172; 35.98%), followed by Case Reports/Case Series 10 subjects (no. = 16; 3.34%). Systematic Reviews were published very rarely (no. = 7; 1.46%), followed by (no. = 1; 0.20%) Case-Control Study. No Meta-Analysis was published. The remaining (no. = 75; 15,69) articles were classified as “Others” Discussion. This study shows that the methodological quality of journals specifically dealing with Osteopathy is equal to the standards observed in other areas of Medicine Conclusions. The distribution of the types of articles in the present sample of journals is not similar to that of other scientific journals, with the exception of Observational/descriptive study designs.



ID: 2502057

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